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Burnett: “I actually happen to like Star Trek Insurrection. It has an interesting plot. But again, because of the execution, where you have Data singing Gilbert and Sullivan, you have these ridiculous villains having plastic surgery,
Next Generation films. Jonathan Frakes starred as the intrepid Commander William T. It has an interesting plot. He must rebel against Starfleet . Morality.
star trek insurrection in vogue: Star Trek Insurrection Pictures
It also serves as an episode guide, covering up through the release of "Star Trek: Insurrection". What a wonderful labor of love this book is. It is very entertaining and informative, and a must have for any fan of the series.
After seeing Star Trek: Insurrection (Hint, hint on the next spot) I was certain that the next film could not possibly be worse, but with a series like this, I guess you never can tell. It tries very hard to be a major, epic finale for
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