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She who tended the lands She who stoked the fire She who released the sky Praises to the Mother Praises to the Mother Praises to the Mother Blessed Be (c) 2009 The Silver Fox~ Please share, but leave this credit intact.
Of the social media networks, Twitter is definitely the silver fox. The majority of its users in 2008 were aged 35-54; younger people preferred to turn to Facebook and plain, good ol' fashioned text messaging for their social
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Fishtanks, and the Silver Fox. In the span of a week and a half, I stuck my tongue out to gobble up the first few flakes of snow that fell, went to the wrong Immigration office, went to the right Immigration Office, applied for/and
Goddess whose eyes glitter like diamonds Whose smile is glistering white Bless me in these labours today And know they are an homage to Thee Blessed Be (c) 2009 The Silver Fox~ Please share, but leave this credit intact.
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